Moving to online sales – what to consider

Going online can open up a whole range of possibilities for companies in terms of how they sell products and market themselves.


But doing this in the right way can be the difference between ensuring success online and struggling to manage finances in the long term.


From picking the right name and platform to ensuring the best payment systems are in place, all are aspects that will require careful consideration.


Getting the name right


The domain name for a website closely reflects the branding of a business, so it’s important that it says exactly what it needs to.


At the same time, it shouldn’t be too long and should be easier to remember – that increases the chances of getting good click-through rates.


Something that easily identifies the product or the company will increase the chances of success, although having names that are similar to other brands is something to avoid.


At the same time, the platform for the website should be suitable for the sort of sales that are anticipated.


Basic websites may not be capable of handling the levels of traffic of other more complex platforms, for example.


Taking payments


Money is key to businesses, which is why payment mechanisms are so important – if integrated properly they stand to combat the threat of insolvency or other financial issues.


Knowing what kind of systems to use is a vital part of ensuring that payments clear quickly, meaning chasing up payments in the long-term should not be too difficult.


This is especially an issue for SMEs if recent research is to be believed.


Product pricing would need to take into account any additional charges that might be placed on products too, as some payment providers will charge transaction fees.


Marketing properly


Making customers aware of the site is equally as important as having one in the first place, but marketing it in a set way is essential.


Bombarding customers with emails might entice some people in, but it is unlikely that mass mail will breach the spam filters on many inboxes.


Instead, the use of social media can be of assistance as these profiles are often highly visible to customers.


This is one small part of the battle when it comes to moving online, and is an important part of a successful online presence.


By Phil Smith


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